SES Computers


At SES Computers, we are working day in, day out with a team of more than 20 colleagues to offer you the very best refurbished equipment. Refurbishment is an incredibly beautiful profession; you give devices a ‘second life’ and thus contribute to a better environment. In addition, we want to ensure that everyone can buy a beautiful, well-functioning device; even if your budget is a bit lower.

Acerca do vendedor


Company [SES Computers BV

Address Hofkesweg 5 [5249JW Rosmalen, Nehterlands

Refurbed Customer Support & Contact Telephone hotline 0800/330 5097 E-mail

Legal form [BV

UID number [NL822601783B01

Company register number [17180228 Supervisory authority None

Chamber affiliation Reseller of refurbished IT equipment Trade and professional regulations Link to GewO:

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