Kumi Sneakers

Kumi Sneakers


KUMI Sneakers is more than a sneaker brand. Through KUMI Sneakers we have the desire to create a community of globe-trotters that seek to leave a sustainable footprint with every step they take and that are committed to change the society they live in.

Our values are:

  • Respect and love for animals: we want to make sure animals are treated with dignity and respect.

  • Sustainable fashion industry: using vegan, sustainable and recycled materials with the goal of sustainable fashion in mind.

  • Local economy support: reducing CO2 impact and doing business with national companies. Everything is produced in the European Union.

Acerca do vendedor

Carvajal Pardo SL. calle Francesc Layret 114, bajos 08911 Badalona Spain

Email: info@kumisneakers.com
Phone: +34603740107

Tax identification number: ESB01759380 Commercial register number: B01759380

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