LORE - upcycled goods

LORE - upcycled goods


LORE is an upcycling label from Southern Germany, founded by Martina, Lisa and Fabia. For our products in the fashion and home accessories sector we use old textiles, overproduction and production leftovers from local production facilities. We design, tailor and produce in a small studio in Ravensburg. Often we embellish our upcycling products with a screenprint design - handprinted with ecological water-based screenprint inks.

Let us celebrate what’s already there!

Acerca do vendedor

LORE - Martina Fischer, Lisa Frank und Fabia Frank GbR Brühlstraße 24 88287 Grünkraut Germany

Email: hallo@lore-upcycledgoods.de Phone: +49 160 7844120

Tax identification number: DE346235027 Commercial register number: 77073/07947

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