


Somnox provides bad sleepers with drug-free and validated sleep-aids they can use to relieve stress & anxiety resulting in better and deeper sleep to experience more energy throughout the day. Somnox is known for the world’s first sleep robot that works by using scientifically proven cognitive and simulated human breathing techniques to accelerate the process of falling asleep.

Acerca do vendedor

Somnox BV Stationsplein 45, A4.004 3013AK Rotterdam Niederlande Tel: +31108994105 Email: Verantwortliche Person für den Inhalt und Redaktion: Jeroen Feron Geschäftsführer: Julian Jagtenberg Handelsregisternummer: 67150179 Bankverbindung: IBAN: NL54RABO0313853932 BIC: RABONL2U

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