Maren Jewellery

Maren Jewellery


Maren Jewellery stands for sustainable luxury jewelry inspired by nature. Personally designed for you and locally handmade. Unique pieces made of recycled gold and silver set with lab-grown diamonds that you wear with a clear conscience! According to Vogue one of the top 10 sustainable jewelry labels. Each piece of jewelry tells a story. Our story is about love for people and nature, timeless minimalist design, passion for craftsmanship and sustainability. Maren Jewellery is: a mindful love. Awarded with the German Design Award 2022 and the first certified B Corp jewelry brand in Germany.

Acerca do vendedor

Maren Jewellery Söflinger Str. 250 89077 Ulm Germany

Email: Phone: +491725838644

Tax identification number: DE329716971

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