


Rhyde.co is a platform that specializes in the purchase, refurbishment, and resale of used electric scooters. With a commitment to sustainability and user convenience, Rhyde offers a hassle-free buyback program for individuals looking to sell their scooters. They ensure a seamless process, providing fair valuations, secure transactions, and a user-friendly experience. Rhyde aims to promote eco-friendly mobility solutions while making the process of selling scooters easy and rewarding for customers.

Acerca do vendedor

Rhyde.CO C. de Ponzano, 39, 7º B, 28003 Madrid, España 28003 Madrid Spain

E-Mail: sales@rhyde.co Telefonummer: +34 682 56 58 38

UID: ESB16811408 Firmenbuchnummer: B16811408

LUCID: DE 11043933

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